Real Name: Tyler
Steam Name: my account name is tyfb40, but i'm known as η.ρнє¢†.BananaMan Bob [
] cause i'm cool
Steam ID: 0:0:15231508
Servers Played In: All the nphect servers, some sca jailbreak and pure gg.
Server Requesting Admin In: gun game and RPG/DM ScoutsKnivez if possible
Admin(s) That Recomended You: no one
Age: 17
Reason For Admin (don't be lame and say just to help out):i wish to slay the bad people from the server, and if they still wish to continue with it, i will set the Banhammer to thier faces..
What Makes You Stand Out: I'm a banana
Are You Able To Donate (not required but appreciated): i can
How Long Have You Been In The Clan: basically a little bit after it started, so for a while now.